ATTENTION Shingle Creek Neighbors! Especially BIPOC homeowners and renters. It’s time to shift the leadership of the Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association. The demographics of our sweet neighborhood is made up of 72% people of color while current board representation...
Stay tuned for all the sign up information as Tour de Camden moves to mid-September! What a wonderful way to explore the community with a hint of fall in the air.
Vendor Registration is now open for the 2022 Winter Solstice Event at Creekview Recreation Center! Winter Solistice 2021Photos from some of our wonderful past artisans! Winter Solstice 2021Photos from some of our wonderful past artisans! Winter Solstice 2021Photos...
The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association, along with the Creekview Recreation Center would love to see you at our Winter Solstice Event this Saturday, December 18th, from 4pm-7pm. It will be held at the Creekview Recreation Center and is a fun event for the whole...
The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association, along with the Creekview Recreation Center would love to see you at our Winter Solstice Event this Saturday, December 18th, from 4pm-7pm. It will be held at the Creekview Recreation Center and is a fun event for the whole...
Just a heads up we are now back to in person meetings. The board meetings are still held on the second Tuesdays of every month at 6:30pm and the Create a Community meetings are still the third Wednesday at 6:00pm, but we will be holding the meetings at the Creekview...
Are you crafty or make a homemade product you would like to sell at the Winter Solstice Event. Fill out the following form and we will get back to you. We would LOVE to have as many North-siders participate as possible!
It’s a name you come across in the Shingle Creek and Minneapolis area. So who was this man and why do we have a road (Olsen Memorial Highway) and a school bearing his name? Floyd Bjørnstjerne Olson (November 13, 1891 – August 22, 1936) was an American politician...
Name: The name of the park is taken from the creek. The creek’s name came from the shingle mills that once operated on its banks near the Mississippi River. The first petition from citizens for a park along Shingle Creek came to the park board in 1905, but that...
John Ware Dow and his wife Susan came from Maine, where he had been a circuit preacher for the Methodist Church. He resigned his duties there and came to St. Anthony in 1850. John went up the river from the ferry crossing above the St. Anthony Falls and took a claim...
After a year off due to COVID-19 we are ready to get back on our bikes and see the neighborhood and meet neighbors.. You can still register day of if you would like. MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION Please plan to join us Saturday, July 17, from 9am-Noon! We’ll start...
So much more than a building, our new home represents the work we’re able to do with your support. Join us at a 30-minute event on April 8th to learn more about Metro Blooms’ work towards environmental justice and resilient communities, how our new...