Loaves & Fishes is a nonprofit organization with a mission to serve free, healthy meals to Minnesotans where the need is greatest. We are guided by our vision that all people – regardless of socioeconomic, cultural, religious, or ethnic background – deserve to meet their basic needs for food, dignity, and respect. We meet hunger through multi-faceted meal programming including community meal sites, summer meals and snack for students, street outreach, and partnering with local nonprofits to provide meals for their clients.
You are invited to join our mission through volunteerism. Volunteers work with our Site Coordinator to chop fruits/veggies, complete salads, and finish entrees during the Preparation and Package shift. Throughout the Service Shift volunteers pass out meals and greet guests in dine-in, drive-up, and walk-up service. They also assist with keeping service materials organized and light cleanup."
We appreciate and support youth involvement in community service. Our youth participation guidelines help provide a safe and efficient work environment while maintaining the dignity of our guests. The following age breakdowns are suggested best practices. However, because each community meal site is different, Site Coordinators may make exceptions at their discretion and with parental input and permission.
- Youth 16 years of age and older can help in all areas of the community meal sites.
- Volunteers age 15 and younger may handle cold food.
- Youth age 13 to 15 must have one adult to every five youth for supervision purposes.
- Youth age 12 and under need to have direct one-on-one supervision. It is suggested that children under the age of 8 do not attend unless prior arrangements are made with the community meal site’s coordinator.
- Wear closed-toed shoes and no tank tops please.
- Some of our meal-sites have attire preferences as a part of our contract so we try to respect these requests.
- At the meal site you will need either a hairnet, ponytail and/or baseball cap.
- Masks are encouraged, but not required
- Rubber gloves & Hairnets are provided
- If you need to cancel or reschedule, the sooner the better.
- Site coordinators depend on their volunteers to make the day run smoothly. Your team is a vital part of the day.
To find a free community meal check out: https://www.loavesandfishesmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Meal-Handout-Updated-5302023.pdf